Creative Consciousness Course

Creative consciousness melds the power of your mind and heart, weaving together experience and creativity for a vibrant life. This journey of self-discovery involves unlearning traditional notions, revealing how creativity and awareness shape our reality. Our course is a transformational path, not just for personal growth but also for inspiring leadership that unlocks endless possibilities.

  • – Lifetime access with a single payment.
  • – Supporting your journey at every step.

Unlocking Creative Consciousness: A Journey to Self-Mastery and Success+

Dive into the transformative power of Creative Consciousness with our comprehensive course, designed to empower both your mind and heart. This unique course blends rich experiences and creativity to foster self-mastery and open up a world of opportunities. By deconstructing how creativity and consciousness shape our lives, we guide you through a journey of personal transformation and leadership.

  1. Discover Your Creativity: Unearth the creative genius within you and learn to harness it in every aspect of your life.
  2. The Different Levels of Creativity: Explore the various stages of creative thought and how they can influence your personal and professional growth.
  3. The Different Levels of Consciousness: Understand the spectrum of consciousness, from basic awareness to profound enlightenment, and its impact on creativity.
  4. Ego Consciousness: Delve into the role of the ego in shaping your reality and learn strategies to transcend its limitations.
  5. Comfort Consciousness: Identify comfort zones that stifle creativity and discover methods to push beyond them.
  6. Mother Nature Consciousness: Connect with the natural world in a way that nurtures creativity and holistic well-being.


Dreaming of making waves as a filmmaker, writer, actor, singer, or blogger? Got a business idea simmering? School of Creativity (SOC) is your launchpad.

Rs. 1000 / $20 for lifetime access

Sign up now for access to the exclusive Master Classes offered under School of Creativity.

Through this course, you’ll learn to reprogram your mind for enhanced creativity and thinking, cultivate a positive life through creative energy, and achieve a higher state of consciousness. Equip yourself with the tools and mindset needed to transform your life and lead others towards a future brimming with possibilities.


What is the School of Creativity?

Why is it that creativity, a trait we're all born with, seems to fade as we grow older? In society, creativity is often reserved for artists, musicians, and writers, overlooking the creative potential in professions like accounting, homemaking, or clerical work. This narrow view stems from a misconception that creativity is exclusive to the arts, ignoring its presence in every facet of life. Throughout my career in media, advertising, literature, and public engagement, I've delved deep into this creativity paradox and awakened my own #CreativeConsciousness, transforming my life in ways I never imagined. This newfound success transcends material gains, offering a holistic and enduring fulfilment.

The School of Creativity is my initiative to guide others on their journey to uncover their #CreativeConsciousness. It's designed to unlock the inherent creativity within, empowering individuals to achieve success that is not only material but also deeply fulfilling and sustainable.

Who is this course meant for?

Dreaming of making waves as a filmmaker, writer, actor, singer, or blogger? Got a business idea simmering? School of Creativity (SOC) is your launchpad. It's not just for creatives – whether you're a CA, engineer, executive, homemaker, or enjoying retirement, SOC caters to all. For anyone seeking a blend of enduring success and personal fulfilment, we offer the platform to groom yourself and propel you into the spotlight.

What are the courses offered at the School Of Creativity?

Masterclasses at SOC: Dive into our digital haven for self-discovery, featuring meticulously curated Masterclasses that have transformed lives. These Masterclasses, grounded in extensive research and proven results, act as your personal navigator to success, guiding you to unlock your untapped potential.

Creative Library: Beyond our transformative Masterclasses, explore a wealth of knowledge through insightful blogs and podcasts. These resources equip you with diverse perspectives, tools, and techniques to discover your purpose and attain success on your terms.

Upcoming Workshops: Get ready for an exciting line-up of workshops and courses designed to:

  • Unleash your inner creativity
  • Demystify Creative Thinking as a structured approach akin to Yoga
  • Provide practical tools and strategies for thriving in the digital era.
Can I get mentored?

Certainly! If you're interested in one-on-one mentorship, please reach out with a detailed explanation of why you believe you're a fit for this opportunity. Include any creative work you've accomplished so far at contact. If your submission catches my eye, I'll personally guide and nurture your talents. At the #SchoolOfCreativity, you gain more than knowledge; you get a stage to shine on. Aspiring filmmakers, for instance, might see their projects produced and promoted. Plus, standout students could even join me on my upcoming film project.

How much does mentoring cost?

The School of Creativity (SOC) isn't about making a profit for me. My goal is to empower the youth to tap into their creative genius and achieve success. Personal mentorship, however, requires significant resources, making it a premium offering. Pricing isn't fixed; I personally review each submission, considering both potential and financial circumstances.