Terms & Conditions
You may go through our terms and conditions (T&C) before using the content of our website. Here the term ‘our’ and ‘us’ refers to the company and ‘you’ refers to the users of our website.
By accessing our website vivekagnihotri.com you are bound to agree our terms of the service. This site, domain name and content are owned and operated by us.
Below are the terms of uses between us and the users and viewers of our website:
Variation in terms: We reserve the right to amend or change these below stated terms and conditions at any time without notice. You are requested to review the terms on a regular basis in order to avoid any conflict. Moreover, these terms and condition binds each and every user of this website.
Terms of capability: To use our website you agree that you are above 18 years old and you are abide to these T&C. if you are using our website and you are below the age of 18 years old you are considered as you are violating our T&C.
Agree with these certain restrictions: You agree to not distribute the content from this website without our written authorization and permission. All the content that is uploaded on our website either it contains words, design, layout, imager, or any databases information is our property and is protected under the umbrella of intellectual property right law. It is restricted to use the name or material of the website in any way that may cause damage to the reputation and dignity of Vivek Agnihotri.
You agree not to modify any part of this website’s service and content. If you use, view, or purchase or access the content of our website that means you are our licensee and this license is permitted to you is granted a revocable and non-transferable license. It can be used for personal and non-commercial purpose only. From copying and using the content of the website for commercial purpose as such acts will be subjected to copyrights.
You agree not to use the content of any other user or to share it in any medium. You are not supposed to copy and steal our content. If your activities are found that you are doing something contravenes to this T&C then it is treated as theft. Our rights are protected and right to prosecute theft is reserve to the full extent of the law under copyright and trademark. Engaging in any data mining, data extracting, data harvesting or any other similar activity in relation to our website is prohibited.
You agree not to use the service of this website for any commercial use. If you want to do so, you must take the written approval from us. As a licensee you must acknowledge the content of this website. This content is owned by our company and we put so many efforts, time, and investment to develop this website. This content is our precious and valuable asset. So, using our website to engage in any kind of advertising or marketing is restricted.
You agree to not use any kind of “robots”, “spiders” or other technology while accessing the service. If you have any written or express permission to use the content of our website so you need to use it in same manner and for same purpose it has granted to you. If you use the content out of the way, then it is considered as you stolen the content. It is not appropriate to use the website in any way that impacts user access to our website
You agree not to post reviews, comment, content that are illegal, abusive, threatening, invasive of privacy, and objectionable.
You agree not to share or post any kind of content that contains viruses, spam and political campaign, mass email and messages etc on the website.
Limitation of liability: notwithstanding anything contained in the whole website of vivekagnihotri.com shall be liable for anything arising out of or in any way whether direct, indirect, or consequential related to the user’s use of this website
Governing Law: The terms are governed by the Indian laws. Any dispute, proceeding, claim, or controversy arising in any way relating to or out of the terms and the rights created hereby shall be governed, interpreted and construed in the manner provided by the Indian legislations.
Indemnity: The users agree to indemnify Vivek Agnihotri its employees, staff, third party content providers and licensors from and against:
- All actions, claims, demands, suits, costs, expenses incurred, aroused, or suffered in connection with or out of the user’s conduct.
- Any direct or indirect results of the user’s access, use or transaction on the website or attempts to do so; or
- Any other act or conduct with mala fide intention to infringe the rights of other students or any staff of Vivek Agnihotri.